Call me nuts but yes I walked all three of them at once. Normally my spouse walks with us but he's on his way to Labrador so it's all down to mom now. I got some looks from cars as they passed us before we got to the t'rail. I'm sure they thought I was a nutter but all three of the boys were on their best behavior as we walked down the sidewalks. Boone's leash is hands free; looped around my waste. Woof and Ranger are held in hand but both of them wear walking aids, Woof a prong collar and Ranger a Premier Easy Walk Harness. I had originally bought it for Woof but I bought it too big and haven't been back to the city to get a a small size, works perfectly for Mr. Moose though. Makes for perfect walking unless Woof sees something that grabs his attention and fires up his prey drive.
A ways down is a little spot where you can access the water. Boone and Ranger took little encouragement to dive in. They love to swim, Ranger especially. I was hesitant to let them swim as there are beavers in the area but we took the chance since it was so hot and they were dying for a swim. Woof doesn't swim, or get wet willingly, I blame it on the husky in him. He can be quite dramatic over it but I guess even he was hot as he reluctantly stepped in far enough to get his belly wet, bowed down to give it a good soak and then quickly returned to shore and looked at the other two with a disgusted look on his face as they splashed him. He busied himself with grazing and trying to drag me to the other side where he seemed sure there was something far more exciting to be had. He has horrible leash manners sometimes and is the only one that can't be off leash. Go figure.
Walking back Boone and Ranger remained off leash until we got back to the road. Ranger has very unhealthy obsession with rocks. He gets overly attached. Barks at them, carries them around, rolls around on them grunting in joy and barks at them again. He started it as a puppy and my spouse never nipped in it the bud. While he's better about it now then when I first met them he still does it occasionally and depending on who's around he'll vary. He'd found "the perfect rock" yet again and decided he wanted to carry it home, he frolicked into the woods beside the t'rail, I could here him grunting "this is so freakin' awesome I love rocks!" and when he came back into my line of sight he was covered in sawdust. The brat. Good thing I didn't have a chance to groom him last week like I planned to. All three are a state but they'll just have to wait until I get a free day at work just before we pack up and move to Labrador next month.
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